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West End 
Food Pantry 


Together, figuring out what it means to be Jesus-followers. We are open to all people in our worship community as we discover our place in God’s world.

Sunday Worship


Sacred reading is a contemplative practice in which individuals engage with religious or spiritual texts with the intention of deepening their understanding and connection to the divine or higher truths. Unlike casual or analytical reading, sacred reading involves a meditative and reverent approach, allowing the reader to fully immerse themselves in the text's spiritual and transformative potential. This practice often includes slow, deliberate reading, reflection, and prayerful consideration, aiming to uncover deeper meanings and personal insights. Sacred reading seeks to foster a profound engagement with the text, opening one's heart and mind to the wisdom, guidance, and inspiration it offers, and integrating these insights into one's daily life and spiritual journey.

How can we pray for you?


White Brick Wall


we’re casual

You don’t need a suit and tie…but we won’t judge you if that’s how you roll! Some of us enjoy dressing up and others enjoy the feel of flip-flops.

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