We believe we are in control: of our lives, of our time, of what we think, of what we do. As a consequence, we do not fully experience or...
When the Wise Arrive
You Can Still Help the West End Food Pantry
What Faith Means?
A Great Year
Join us for Christmas Eve!
Keys to Christmas: the Manger
Keys to Christmas: the Inn
Helping Others –Wrapping Presents for Springdale House
Decorating the Worship Center
Keys to Christmas: the Encounter
10/7 Worship- On the Mountain with Jesus: Grounding
WATCH Mark’s State of the Church Report 2018
Guest JAMmers wanted!
Preparing for the West End Food Pantry
9/30 Worship- On the Mountain with Jesus: Narrow
9/23 Worship- On the Mountain with Jesus: Seek
Women’s Study of Luke — Wednesday
9/16 Worship- On the Mountain with Jesus: Judgment
9/9 Worship- On the Mountain with Jesus: Treasure