5200 Fillmore Ave Alexandria, VA Worship Sunday at 11AM

What to expect In-Person at Saint James
We are excited about opening up for in-person worship on Sundays at 11am once again, starting July 11th. We will also continue to live stream and record our worship. So you can choose what works best for you.
For those who attend worship in person, in order to provide a safe environment for everyone, including our unvaccinated children, we encourage everyone age 2 and up to wear a mask while inside. If you need a mask, we have them available as well as hand sanitizer. We also request that everyone refrain from eating or drinking while inside.
What you can expect when you come to worship in person:
The worship service will consist of all the same elements as it did pre-pandemic, including singing, sermon, prayer time, and communion. We will, however, be working diligently to shorten our worship time together inside to reduce the possibility of exposure.
Seating will facilitate social distancing.
No coffee, juice or popcorn will be available.
Only bread will be served during communion.
The pastor and worship team will be unmasked at times when speaking or singing during the service.
JAM, (Jesus And Me), is currently virtual and accessed via a Zoom link. For more information and to join the group for online meetings at 10am on Sundays, please reach out to Madison at madison@sjumc.net