Ever wonder how seniors, disabled or low-income neighbors can maintain their homes?
In our area, that work is done by Rebuilding Together DC Alexandria! Saint James is fielding a team to help Mr. & Mrs. M, a senior couple in the Arlandria area better their homes and lives through our work. They need our help with handrails, doors (multiple issues), and drywall help. You can be involved in helping Mr.& Mrs. M in the following ways:
(1) Pray for the team and Mr. & Mrs. M.
(2) Donate to cover the $3,000 cost. Put House in the memo portion or mission in text to give or via the kiosk/online. Collected to date: $1900!
(3) Commit to work that day, which begins at 8:00am. Register on the kiosk.
(4) Be our lunch leaders! We need 2 volunteers who will arrange and deliver our lunch that day.
See Linda or email her with questions, linda@sjumc.net.